Any recommendations for Wiki software?

We are looking to install a Wiki internally to act as an online manual/handbook for staff. It needs to be hosted internally on a network for 50 people or so. We want permissioning so that managers can edit/authorise individual contributions, but everyone can contribute. It also needs to be printer friendly. It can be hosted on a Novell Suse Linux or Microsoft 2003 server.

Anyone have any recommendations for software that is easy to use and not too dificult to setup?

TikiWiki's easy to set up.

I've been trying to set up similar on my site so am using the Drupal Wiki module.

I'd recommend having a look at the Comparison of Wiki Software Wikipedia entry so you can make sure the features you want are there.

The other ones I played with were TWiki as it is has more 'corporate' features, but was just way too complicated to set up. I found TikiWiki much easier to set up (it's PHP, TWiki is Perl) but doesn't look quite as polished aesthetically out-of-the-box.


Steve Purkiss

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